
Showing posts from November, 2022

Religion in the Empire

People in the Empire range from very religious to not at all religious. Some people like to keep their religious beliefs private. Others will love to talk about their god or religious path. Gods in this world are very powerful beings so even those who aren't interested in religion are careful not to cause too much offence. For a religion to operate openly in the Empire it must follow some rules; NO NECROMANCY – If your religion includes raising zombies it’s not allowed. YOU CAN’T CALL OTHER CHURCHES LIARS – No religion in the empire can say that they are the only true religion. YOU CAN’T SAY YOUR CHURCH LEADER IS A GOD – All people living in the Empire (except the Imperial family) must consider themselves equal and must follow the law. Gods are above the law but people who run churches are not.  These rules are designed to prevent religious conflicts which would weaken the Empire. This will be the main concern of any official who is managing a complaint about a religion. You can un